
If you reach La Cinta beach by car, motorbike or camper, you can park at the car park located at the end of Via Gramsci, just behind the beach.

We are open from 08 am till 08 pm.

Prices may vary depending on the season, € 1.5 per hour in May, June, September and October and € 2 in July and August; in any case the maximum is € 15 for the whole day.

You access the car park collecting the ticket at the entrance column.
The car park has two entrances to the beach, one on the right of the entrance track close to the two bars and restaurants of the beach, and the other one on the left, close to the cash desk where payment can be made with an operator or even at the automatic cash point.

Please pay at the at the cash desk before retrieving your car.

Close to both entrances to the beach there are several disabled car park spaces.